Moving NYC Forward


ABNY uses its signature programs–Power Events, special briefings, educational events, Young Professionals programming, ABNY Women events, and special projects–to bolster civic engagement for all New Yorkers.

  • ABNY Member Events offer an opportunity for elected and government officials, as well as civic and business leaders, to present the ideas and policies they believe can help advance a better New York.
  • The ABNY Young Professionals network cultivates unique opportunities, online and in person, for the future leaders of New York City to explore the importance of civic engagement and learn about the critical issues facing our city and state.
  • ABNY Women uses its platform for women to explore, discuss, and foster change in the workplace and beyond through a series of events and talks by female leaders.

ABNY special projects build on the foundation created by the Census 2020 effort and work with community-based organizations to support and strengthen the most vulnerable New Yorkers and communities across the city and state.

To view photos from our past events, please visit the ABNY Flickr page here.

Senator Charles E.Schumer,U.S. Senate Democratic Leader

Senator Schumer took the ABNY stage to discuss the year ahead in Washington, the impact of the government shutdown, and the ways in which actions at the federal level impact New York.

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ABNY Talks: Parks and Broadband

Adrian Benepe, Senior Vice President and Director of National Programs for the Trust for Public Land, and former commissioner of the NYC Parks Department, presented on public­ private partnerships as a means to revive parks and communities in cities. Chris Levendos, Vice President of Network Engineering and Operations at Crown Castle, followed with a presentation [...]

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Power Breakfasts With 2020 Census Qulnnlpiac Poll & Discussion

ABNY hosted an informative discussion on the changes to the 2020 Census and the ways the City and the State are working to ensure an accurate count. Assemblymember Marcus Crespo, Council Members Carlina Rivera and Carlos Menchaca, Director of the Census for NYC, Julie Menin, and Head of the Population Division at the Department of [...]

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2020Census Qulnnlplac Poll & Discussion

ABNY hosted an informative discussion on the changes to the 2020 Census and the ways the City and the State are working to ensure an accurate count. Assembly member Marcus Crespo, Council Members Carlina Rivera and Carlos Menchaca, Director of the Census for NYC, Julie Men in, and Head of the Population Division at the [...]

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ABNY University: Dlgltal Campaigns

For this installment of the ABNY University series, Michael Aaron McKenna Miller, Senior Advisor at Assemble, political consultant, and digital marketing expert, outlined successful campaign strategies as applied to political and grassroots lobbying campaigns.

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Power Breakfasts With NYS Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

Governor Cuomo spoke about the region’s infrastructure challenges and the need for increased funding and changes to the way that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) operates.

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