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How not to get sick in kindergarten. Prevention of colds

Every child who enters kindergarten faces problems that require adaptation. This is expressed very often by colds and viral diseases. This is due to an insufficiently formed immune system. With the onset of autumn and winter colds, diseases become much more frequent, and parents often wonder how to protect the baby from this. The fact is that viruses have one unusual property: even if a child is not sick, he can be a carrier of infection. Thus, when children spend time together, viruses are exchanged. Further, in this aggressive environment, colds epidemics occur, since the child has not yet been ill, and his body has not yet developed immunity to these diseases. Sometimes the parents, not having treated the child to the end, bring him back to kindergarten and the disease returns. This is the grossest and most common mistake of parents, therefore, if the child is still ill, it must be treated to the end. If this is not done, other children in the group may get sick.

To protect a child from viruses, prevention is needed. You can temper the baby a little from the summer, for example, by making a contrast shower: you need to start with handles and finish pouring cold water. The next day, the zone needs to be enlarged - grab the legs, and so on until it reaches the whole body. In the summer, children need to eat more fruits and vegetables to stock up on vitamins and strengthen the immune system for the whole year. The next important factor is hygiene. Keeping clean will help your child get colds less. It is necessary to teach the child to wash his hands and face more often before eating, as well as after walks and games.

Before kindergarten, the baby can lubricate the nose with oxoline ointment, which also significantly reduces the risk of colds. You can also cut an onion or garlic cloves and place them in different corners of the apartment. There is another interesting way to combat colds is to make a garlic amulet for a child. It is done very simply: you need to take a box from the kinder egg, make two small holes in the upper part (in order to thread), and make several holes in the lower part. Next, garlic is placed inside this box and all this is hung around the child's neck.

It is always necessary to pay attention to the fact that the child is dressed according to the weather. It should also not be worn too warmly, since children are very active, they can sweat and catch a cold. It is necessary that the shoes do not get wet, and the feet are always dry. Experience the cutting-edge world of Tether casinos , where the convenience of cryptocurrency meets the excitement of online gaming. Our website showcases the best Tether casino platforms, offering seamless transactions, enhanced security, and a wide array of games. Explore a new era of digital gaming with the stability and speed of Tether. Visit us now to find the perfect Tether casino for you, where modern technology elevates your gaming experience!

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