Moving NYC Forward


ABNY uses its signature programs–Power Events, special briefings, educational events, Young Professionals programming, ABNY Women events, and special projects–to bolster civic engagement for all New Yorkers.

  • ABNY Member Events offer an opportunity for elected and government officials, as well as civic and business leaders, to present the ideas and policies they believe can help advance a better New York.
  • The ABNY Young Professionals network cultivates unique opportunities, online and in person, for the future leaders of New York City to explore the importance of civic engagement and learn about the critical issues facing our city and state.
  • ABNY Women uses its platform for women to explore, discuss, and foster change in the workplace and beyond through a series of events and talks by female leaders.

ABNY special projects build on the foundation created by the Census 2020 effort and work with community-based organizations to support and strengthen the most vulnerable New Yorkers and communities across the city and state.

To view photos from our past events, please visit the ABNY Flickr page here.

Tour of Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Marine Terminal

ABNY held an exclusive tour of the Port Authority's New Jersey Marine Terminal. Michael Bozza, General Manager of the New Jersey Marine Terminal, gave a "Port 101" explanation and guided tour of the facilities.

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Info Session: The David Prize

Along with Tech:NYC and RPA, ABNY held a presentation to announce The David Prize, a monetary prize for five visionary New Yorkers working to create a better and brighter city. Executive Director for The David Prize, Erika Boll, explained the application process and criteria of the prize.

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Panel Discussion: Sustainable Investing and Finance

Panelists explained Environmental, Social, and Governance investing and finance, institutions' goals on these key themes, and the current regulatory environment and its implications. Vicki Cerullo, Bloomberg LP, moderated the conversation with Michael Garland, Office of the New York City Comptroller; Mark Hays, J.P. Morgan Asset Management; and Valerie Smith, Citi.

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Assessing Storefront Vacancy in NYC

Sulin Carling, Senior Planner in Economic Development and Real Estate at DCP, presented on recent retail trends and storefront vacancies across the city in the context of shifting technology, economic forces, and consumer preferences.

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New York City Census Summit 2019
Census 2020

ABNY with New York Counts 2020 and in partnership with Labor Counts! hosted the NYC Census Summit 2019 which brought together nearly 400 leaders and organizers from community-based organizations, government, and the private sector, all working to get out the count. NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson, NYC Census Director Julie Menin, Council Member Carlina Rivera [...]

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The Met at 150

In partnership with The Metropolitan Museum of Art, ABNY hosted an event to celebrate the world renowned museum's 150th anniversary. President and Chief Executive Officer Dan Weiss addressed the museum's successes, its role as a global cultural institution, and its approach to navigating the challenges of evolving responsibilities in philanthropy. He then participated in a [...]

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2020 Census and Business
Census 2020

ABNY Executive Vice President Melva Miller presented a one-pager to help the borough Chambers of Commerce to engage their membership around the 2020 Census and outlined a series of actions businesses can take, including everything from posting on social media to designating Census Days to encourage participation. Attendees learned how businesses not only stand to [...]

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New Yorkers Count: Jobs for New Yorkers in the 2020 Census
Census 2020

ABNY and the NYC Employment and Training Coalition co-hosted an event at Hunter College to highlight how City and business leaders can come together to raise awareness about the Census job application process, requirements, and training. Workforce development leaders who attended the program received additional information on positions available to job seekers in their communities [...]

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The Geography of Jobs

Carolyn Grossman Meagher, Director of Regional Planning at DCP, presented the "Geography of Jobs" report analyzing regional growth constraints as the economy  expands faster than the housing supply. A panel discussion followed with Jonathan Bowles, Center for an Urban Future; Laura Curran, Nassau County Executive; Ruben Dfaz Jr., Bronx Borough President; Ingrid Gould Ellen, NYU; [...]

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Power Luncheon with Andrew M. Cuomo, New York State Governor

Governor Cuomo previewed the 2020 infrastructure and transportation agenda and unveiled the creation of the Empire Station Complex and improvements to the areas surrounding Penn Station in midtown Manhattan.

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Policy Brief: Climate Change Litigation

Michael Burger, Executive Director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School, discussed the history of climate change court cases and how the issue has been litigated, both in the U.S. generally, and in New York specifically. Following the presentation, Ellis Calvin, Data Research Manager with the Regional Plan Association and [...]

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Power Breakfast with Eric Adams, Brooklyn Borough President

Borough President Adams spoke about his priorities for New York City and his vision for the future, covering topics from criminal justice to educational and economic opportunities for all communities.

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