March : Staff Supporting Elected Leaders
Congratulations to the ABNY Young Professionals March Spotlights of the Month – Dayana Pichardo, Chief of Staff – New York State Assembly and Carl Wilson, Chief of Staff, NYC Council Member Erik Bottcher, District 3 who’s highlighted for their work to support our elected officials as well as the work behind scenes to move legislative policies forward, provide constituent services, and keep our government moving.
Dayana Pichardo
My journey to where I am today has been shaped by a combination of hard work and numerous internships along the way. I believe that each internship has provided me with valuable experiences, skills, and insights, contributing significantly to my professional growth. Through dedicated effort and a commitment to learning, I’ve been able to navigate my career path and reach this point.
I am most proud of the relationships I’ve built with my mentors and the ongoing support we maintain through constant communication. These connections have not only provided guidance but also served as a source of inspiration and encouragement, playing a pivotal role in my personal and professional development.
My advice to someone aspiring to work in my field is to actively seek internships and volunteer opportunities in offices that align with your ideologies. This hands-on experience not only provides valuable insights into the field but also helps you build a network and gain practical skills that will be beneficial in your career journey.
I realized I was a New Yorker as soon as I started high school and began exploring the city with friends after class. The vibrant energy, diverse neighborhoods, and the unique experiences that New York City offered became an integral part of my identity during those formative years.
Carl Wilson
In the wake of the 2016 presidential, I felt immense guilt that I did not do all I could to ensure a different outcome. I vowed to no longer sit on the sidelines because it appeared to me that public servants were needed who cared deeply about important issues that affect our City, State and Country. I began joining local organizing efforts on the West Side of Manhattan where I met then Council Member Corey Johnson who asked me to join his district office team as a community liaison. I worked closely with his Chief of Staff, Erik Bottcher, who later went on to become the next Council Member. I was very honored to be asked by Council Member Bottcher to join his team as Chief of Staff in March of 2023.
I have just completed my first year in my role as Chief of Staff and in that year I have had the privilege of working on a number of important project that are pivotal to the future of the city. However, in the past year I am most proud of shepherding the passage of the Urban Forest Master Plan. This set of bills requires the city to develop a plan to maintain and expand the urban forest tree canopy, which is vital in positioning the city to be a leader on green infrastructure and resiliency. It was my first bill I saw from conception to passage which was not only exciting but also felt really important. I am also very proud of the countless amount of constituent service my team provides. This work often goes unknown to the general public but makes a huge difference in the lives of the constituents we work with.
I would say get involved and show up! In the world of government and politics there are many access points especially through volunteering, like with a political campaign or community event. Showing up is half the battle and if you can develop a reputation of being dedicated and doing good work – it will get noticed. Also take everyone’s business cards and save their phone numbers and emails. Developing a strong network is key to success in this business (and just about every other).
If you aren’t born in New York but move here from someone else as I did, you figure out pretty quickly if you are a New Yorker or not. For me, when I graduated from NYU I couldn’t think of any other place I could go to that would make me happy. There is something about the energy of New York that calls to you. My love of the city is what fuels my passion for public service here and I am honored to be small cog in the machine that makes New York City tick.